So many things have been written about the path to good health, often contradicting each other. We here at CRJR do not represent any one particular way. We love to stay up to date on the latest research in health and learn from different systems. We encourage our participants to try things out and observe what works for them. Our cleansing retreat is a reset, a time to clear out the past and renew your commitment to your physical and mental well being.
Some of you have asked “what exactly will we be doing at the retreat?”. Here is an example of a typical day’s schedule. Each day may be a little different and all activities are optional.
Begin early with herbal detox tea
QiGong and meditation
Wheat grass shot and morning walk
Morning smoothie (papaya, fresh coconut water, soaked almonds, sunseeds, flaxseeds)
Fresh veggie juice
Free time – for massage, colonic, enema, sitting by the pool, swimming, a sauna, walking, or resting
Noon – Energy soup, fermented condiment, and probiotic drink
Education – health related educational talk, discussion, DVD, or presentation by guest healing professional
Mid-afternoon – Green Smoothie
Afternoon activity/class/free time – Zumba, Nia, restorative yoga, or other movement class, a sauna, a hike, etc
Happy hour – Kombucha or coconut water “cocktail”
Evening meal – warm miso/vegetable soup and a variety of salads
Evening activities – movies, game night, hot tub, and an herbal liver cleanse tea
We’ll be taking two beach trips during the week
We’ll also have one light eating, liquid fast day.
If you’ve never done a cleanse this is the perfect way to begin. You’ll be eating light but you won’t feel lacking, we offer something to eat every few hours and our goal is to make everything delicious as well as super healthy.
One guest was even overheard saying “this is a cleanse I could bring my husband to!”